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Full text of "Palmyra Circle Newsletter Vol 1 Issue 36"

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3o S6 1948 

The pupor io lute again this veek out 
vo areable to giro sol jo good raws ty being 
late., Word has just reached the editor via 
die new submarine ouulo frcai Honolulu c t**t 
•cLc BC60 vili bo down Thanksgiving week,, 

‘e vx>re under the impression all uloug 
uUUm the little jayuuh bird was a male a&u 
sont end laid • a cobaoriao coble - 
-■ /id her to stay out of that duck gem 
w.vro vo have the two male pintoles. 

If wit 7CG5 oornos in around Iter usual 

Uovumbor 120,1948 

next ftrursday io Thcudesgiviug nay and Ttri.ll 
be a Holliday There ore a lot or things that 
v»< iiac by living on a oorcl atoll almost in 
id middle of the Bacifio Ooeoii OUT \aj have a 
or vo ce thankful for which wo did not have 
-: t your. The Honolulu strikes liavo not off00- 
us too much,. the west coast chipping strike, 
la; to a prjsJLl extant On the other side of the 
1 ... 'ird., our isail servico is bettor than, it has 
ever been since the navy moved out last yoc±r 0 
( uit© u rsb-iber of fanilioo are together or will 

v —»'t , give tho bays who hove to do the bo before .the year is out, duo to tlio apartments 


guard cable is put up for a purpose n .© 

•: icv. you will have friends you want to greet 
. 0 ; wait until they leave the plane or iuoet 

theta at the hotel,, li. lXiIX) e 

0 O Q 

Three maw aia-ivala com© in an the navy 
piano Thursday morning v koCcaaara, oablo 
epiioev - i* she Mutual iolophnao Co« in 
ilu arrive:: for a weeks wr: 01 . the 
1 - i - ns?., control building to the 
i 4«iV-4*g oa Island- 

:a u.ur and act; ike# arrived to oos~ 

ug finished.., Tlio ootsaissary is better stocked 
•hua it -as lust yoar ; A ochooi teacher ic expo* 

•*. in tho near future.. Hie wostlier- has been go 
aiid tso hare not bad cotio of tho food shortages 
v. j > caste up last year,, Tho x'rosh vegetable sup 
ply has not been ac greet#due to the oiuaage in 
yuv 1/ boatsr. Tills year two of tho papaya trees 
started bearing fruit and e third may have fruit 
starting in several weeksbext year wo hop© to 
iu-.vv several troeo for ouoh of the families and 
us our expiramoats progress thore my bo a number 

altjyrs Is l an d is Earao to ruito q oun.ber of 

x jo/., installing the nci radio equip- people hero and w are thankful for the blessings 

\aj have reooivodj Anotlier of vhe good things that 
.1 j piano- -opurted on the return trip ouao this year vine boot, Shields, our taediool saeziv 

vest up for xoedioal llis training and kncwledgo has meant a lot to 


x-. r v j'ton, t.11 from «ho ooe.'ntru9tiuii. 
crow f returned to lioxH3luiu v 

ect week thoro ic wait© a list of out 
r ^.iig pasue_\"ors., Ilow'mnj’ and t4io they are 
sill a laicicry, b;->cuie»- 'A., dc not 'kuoe 
ivjsy vill ,-o 07 tho end h-.A.- suiry 


o o c». 

the irat of the tlu’eo housing units 
r w.o Duroou Of Wtair’erds t^erscmel is 
xluotrc finished end the foundations for 
x o ox. ' ev vwo have been poured and it will 

only bo a fat 

Lfi(‘ up ou tj:e stvoanl foundatiau 0 
Tho hotel is tol-V.x- -J ... .u«. 
y .0 bio boys cut giving it a working 
witli spray Mias fl 

Uwnror is fotting e face lifting and 
■^eu gets thru with it, there wont 

2U£L Uhi JSBWi 01I<* 

Lonoluluj hao cocond unnual Alaha week, -which 
taesoi’row sight af eor a -wJk of festivity , 

Tlie A.f»oi L. oayu to stop anpoaseing Russia, 
wo uoo foroc if noccaoaryo 

The Le;jp Post, oac of 'lonolulu’c newest vote" . 

< ..aba, bums to. the jpraundo The loos was esthcetc 
yx ,000 

THE CI/)Ci: 13 3T0PP5D, 

'Jegctati'cno in tvw west coast shipping' strike 
v© boon (T'ing on for ton days vrixli ouch' succose 
hut both sides agre d to stop tue clock , It was 

. .-.aght tjiftt possibly yomo of the TOO ships» might 


o n o 

There* waa no nowe frees Canton I eland this 
we^k, but we ejqieot to have a little about th«*a 
after iiCGii roturus fruu down there with a load 

„h rain blowing in from the runwey side- / of people retuminf to . >oolula t . after being 


titio»i 0 Bob Vialls place in Hroagervi- is expected to 00 .to v> frem there on tine i!C65 0 
U-,3 token ou a bald hooded look in the , * , 

t->it cunlight 

pcu*c .. 

No, oO 


By Louise 9. ioativn, as published ixi the 
Honolulu Star Bulletin* 


i -eros more about growing papula tree** 
Soon after the seeds la the seed fiat here 
•eminated, put the flex la full sunlight 
and IM the seedlings grow for three or 
four weeks % Be sure to water the flat every 
-day bit ulao be sura the drainage is good* 
.After three or four wo< ko, transplant 
oc.oii eooiliaf to a tin oua about four inch¬ 
es in diametero Punch si., or seven holes in 
tlio bateau of the ocaio It s also a good 
idea to put e. fov.* /jtpffyt fair si^od pebbles 
ir. the bottaa 0 They tond to prevent soil 
from ”" aMtl c out through the holes? 

then the eoectlings ore six or eight lac- 
2ie<s high, transplant thou to a cumy locat¬ 
ion in the garden* 

-ary ]owe gordmers sot the trees too clo¬ 
se together, They should be at least eight 
' a-.-fc --parto Ten feet is bettero h'-vwver# 
it’s all right to set tlie cex-dlingu uruch 
closer than this and tills then out later u 
t i, of the sv.' .lings nay die taid eaaoof 
the trees will be mulor. unit es you have 
planted selected seedo 

You can't tell vmether the trees are nmlm 
0 »or bi-ecacunl uatill cloesosts ap- 
* ur I., another article I'll tell you hew 
to distinguish the three types* 

About three or four weeks after the seed¬ 
lings are sot in the ground, they will nw- 
£■.* a ca.'i~ereitl fertilisers .'r» i.illian 
i. ttoroy of the university's agricultural 
: at cta-tion reco tu.xiuu a oaapleto 

fertiliser him in phosphorus, no suggests 
C~lJ~t> or C-12 “6 , 

Tor ~hv fir - application, give each tree 

about a third of a pound* rlaoo it in one 
opot, veil denm lit the soil, near enough 
;*o vuvj ,i.,iull rootu can get to it but xu/t 
in liruct oo*vtasrt v/itl, duo roots, There- 
tutor gioo Snaob on;o slightly more than 
hcl' a pound of fertiliser ct tiiroe saco- 
ti. intervals,. 

The ict; dooiruhlu oa ys tree* ure the 
bi~so*u 1 typo of the solo variety, Those 
produce medium sised poor shaped fruite t > 
the kind usually found 

. awever, all ei y u.r b • dl - uj'S wont be 
:i-8e*nais unless you have planted espooia- 
,.ly ueleotod seed* Actio will be fociulee and 
a few nay bo moles o 

To be continued next wo-k. 

Cbv WwTLSo 

Thursday owning a group of the bachelors 
end ijarrici non»v.hose families oro ncru at pro's- 
ont on ti-u aslanl, not to discuss plans for or 
panising u eminent backoloi'a club. 

doc o Shields was ooloctod as troeeurer aud 
is acting as seohetary. lio other officers »wo 
elected at ii is neoting, Thor© '..ore tea baehtb • 
:>rs pros*, at including. Station -ianager. Dob hall 
cmd the editor* 

A second meeting hold Saturday ui-ht P 
av which plena for remodeling tho present space 
that was used by tho old bachelors club oi ral- 
oyva Island Boo* Shields gave c report on tho 
finances end -oho ordor i’or boor* vdrloh wen sent 
up on frldry nights plane,, 

It was suggested that no box r be sold xttil 
ail oi wjo maodlinr luid box a ca i . cud ever¬ 
ything xjixs ready for a forwal openiu**.. If all 
of -ho on help out ovoniuns an Sundays there 
is no reason why tlxo place ociaiot be waty by 
tlie lDth of iJeooaber, 

After tho mooting closed several r>xile oi 
movies wore nai off by tJje editor. 
o e o 

There ere still arao Chrlska..s Curdc aud 
seal ^available but ycru will have to hurry if 
you wnt them* -he store till only bo open a few 
more veninra. her. tl'.e old pc. i*liue is discon¬ 
tinued in tho near future, the ti ll ououiit or 
itesue tjxat have to bo kept in a hat looker, will 
be moved to the editors residence in on^orvillo 

Tho books wore close-.. id e It el* of this aonth 
and all sales are for carl, or ckcck* oo as to 
cut lex n or; xiio bookkox-pieg, oiid w j-ot all of 
tho .-.camte xottlod er- soon an >ostibl». 


-ho littlo qynali bird reports that thore 
Till bo another boat in hero in about ton days., 
Also -here ic another err^oexod to arrive about 
December l&bh„ 

-t tlie tiisu tills was written ihor© vae no 
oflioial word fraa Honolulu regarding .v6b*a 
tirriv l in the Big. City u If the flight toots 
went off as scheduled tsho should bo back soon* 

O O 

Lest weok there w-ere heavy winds end heavy 
x-e- , iliis we k our reoordiag thoiiucsaiter rog- 
istt.-red a high of 92,> degrees while tC uue th© 
lowest vuciperature in dcnr-civille^ then the 
th» *• var^eai rx'jves up to the nuw control buildim 
we ,<111 try and give full figujve on ixsw^raturt 
on x*ainfell oooh v.*eek 0